Have you brought your plants inside for the colder season and have no place to put them? Hang them up with a handmade plant holder! Make one yourself using our DIYs. We’ve included instructions for two different styles & a full Knot Info Sheet to help you through the project steps.
Halloween brings out the craft enthusiast in all of us. Be it a handmade costume, a fun outfit for work or decorations to bring the spooky home. These collections of craft cottons are bound to make all the boos & ghouls shriek with delight!
Maybe you’re an avid creator of punch needle projects or maybe you’ve never been introduced to it, yet. Either way, we’ve got the tools & information you need, plus a fun DIY!
Punch needle embroidery is a form of embroidery that is related to rug hooking.
Home Decor fabric is something Fabricland offers in abundance. From new cushions for the living room to re-upholstering that favourite bench or a new valence for the bedroom; Home Decor fabrics are used in a variety of projects.
Handmade gifts are full of love and the joyful feeling of giving is equal to that of receiving.
How about slippers? Making your own has never been easier with Suede Slipper Soles which are available in various sizes for both adults (women) and babies.
Women’s Small | size 6-7.5 Women’s Medium | size 8-8.5 Women’s Large | size 9-10 Baby | size 4-5 infant (12-18 months) Each size comes in both Black & Natural.
Face coverings are now part of our everyday outfits when we go to the grocery store, to work in the office, to the bank and more!
Featured are two popular patterns for DIY face masks: an origami style and a traditional tri-fold style. Get festive with your fabric choices to be ready for the holiday season!
NOTE: Current government health agency recommendations advise using non-fusible interfacing or polypropylene for the filter/3rd layer of your handmade face masks.
Masks made using this DIY are not medical-grade quality and do need to be laundered after each use.